Description of Scrofoloso Tenons
Description of Scrofoloso Tenons 6.Arthritis deformans Is an affiliction of the joints. It may in some cases begin as an acute disease. It does in most cases become chronic. Progressive changes in the various tissues of the joints, viz. Synovial mambrane, cartilages, ligaments and bones pathogonomonic symptoms. As complications and sequelae, the heart, glands, liver, spleen, are involved they play their part in the production of sensations and modalities. 7.Stomatitis An acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. We meet three varieties of this affilictions. First, the follicular, second the ulcerative or noma, third the gangrenous or cancrum oris. Catarrhal stomatitis shows a mild form of inflammation of the mouth, without any ulceration, presenting a very red and raw surface with soreness in the mouth. Mercurial stomatitis is with spongines...