Dilution of different drugs and their effects

                          The first dilution relaxes the lymphatic channels due to which there is improvement of lymph circulation and patient feels that he is gaining energy and also the body temperature rises slightly. It is used therefore as anti poisoning drug because the drug romoves the piusonous effect by opening the pores of the skin and toxic substances comes out along with the sweat. Second and third dilution result in the contraction of the lymphatic vessels due to which the flow of lymphatic vessels become slow and the ereuption which appeared over the skin due to first dilution disappears. 
             The first dilution of angioticos improves the blood circulation and also expands and relaxes the veins and artries and improves the circulation as due to that there may be gripping in the abdomen. Second, third or lighter dilution-help in the retention of the blood because contraction of vessels takes place. 
                  The first dilution excites the nervous system and the vessels of liver, spleen and pancreas, but lighter dilutions Or second or third, fourth and fifth dilution contract these vessels. 
              Follow the same course as febrifugo. 
                 First and second dilution of this group improves the functions of mucous membranes and causes excessive secretion of mucous side by side. It also improves the nutrition of the muscular tissues and also help in the effect of the first dilution and brings normal effect of the first dilution and effects of the drug. 

      For example, first dilution increases the size of the abscess, as well as, decreases the tension inside by softening the inner tissue and helps in the pus formation. Second dilution improve the functions of the tissue and helps in the healing of the wound. It also decreases the flow of Rhinorrhoea, leucorrhoea and various secretions. The excited nervous system can be controlled by the use of lighter dilution whereas the disorders of digestive system can be corrected by high dilution. 
               Dr. Mahalakshmi Raghunath


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