A1 is composed of six medicinal plants.
Botanical name Common name Ratio
1.Arnica Montana Arnica 10
2.Avena Sativa Oats 20
3.Capsella burse Shepherds purse 80
4.Hydrastis Yellow root 10
5.Malva Mallow 05
6.Sanguinaria Canadian blood root 10
It is indicated for persons of sanguine or Mixed temperament who are affected with liver complaints,or are plethoric, nervous, irritable and especially if they are compelled to do their work by sitting. In weak doses it exercises a retarding action, in strong ones a quickening and reinforcing influence by increasing the blood supply. It is indicated against every kind of acute inflammation, congestion, hamrorrhage and ateophy when arising from insufficient blood supply. It's curative action is seen in all disorders arising from sluggish circulation and irregular distribution of blood. It is useful for oedema of feet brought by obstruction of circulation or unhealthy condition of blood. Diseases of arteries are mostly cured with this remedy. It's a specific remedy for billious and nervous Constitution.
In case of hypertension A1 is used in the higher dilutions with W. E but in case of hypotension A1 is used along with the R. E or B. E in 1st dil. In the higher dilution its also useful in case of inflammatory active congestion and in the lower dilution its mainly used in case of ischarmia.
A1 shows its action on left side of the heart and the Aorta. To be distinguished from the other groups of combinations, scrofoloso and limfaticos which protect the lymph, lymph nodes and glands from being vitiated, Angioitico safeguards the blood stream and keeps it clear of all vitiation. The combination effectively deals with blood pressure, cyanosis, vertigo, blurring of vision and the menstrual disorders. It is an anti - heamorrhagic drug. Among its therapeutic uses besides the above mentioned disorders are asthma, blood boils, eye troubles, ascites, epistaxis, haematemesis and haematuria, hysteria and pyrexia also come within its field of action.
Since the drug shows its action on left side of heart and aorta, that is why this is used for controlling BP, cyanosis, vertigo, blurring of vision, and also menstrual disorders. It is also used as anti heamorrhagic drug. As for epistaxis, blood vomiting, blood spitting, haematuria, meningitis, cardiac dropsy, metritis, menorrhagia, bleeding piles, varicocle, typhoid and sunstroke. Active congestive state of any part.
Haemeto genous
Haematoma durae matris
Haemato pneumothorax
Haemato thorax
Haematozoom of Laveran
Haemorrhage from stomach
Dilutions and it's uses
1.1st.dilution : Improves bp, menstrual disorders
2.2nd dilution: Controls and maintains bp
3.3rd dilution: In pyrexia, hysteria, hypertension.
4.lighter dilution:To control the excessive reactions of first dilutions, nervous disorders.
Globules 5 -10 with meal or in water gives strength to heart and improves circulation
Dr. Mahalakshmi Raghunath
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