

Introduction : 

      This remedy distinguishes itself from the other Scrofoloso remedies in its composition as well as in appearance, tatste,purpose and effect. The other remedies are nearly tasteless, only a little  sweet in consequence of the sugar used in the preparation of the globules. Scrofoloso lassativo, on the contrast, tastes acrid, bitter, astringent. 

It's medicinal properties are laxative, Anti scrofulous and Nervine. 

It is essentially purely intestinal remedy, and acts as a stimulus on the intestinal mucous membrane, especially those of the great gut, the intestinal glands, and intestinal nerves. It must be therefore chiefly employed in symptomatic constipation ;when the latter is an attendant phenomenon of  disease. This means ; that when the  does not speedily disapper under the influence of the other remedies indicated for the principal malady and begins to influence the remaining symptoms (e.g.congestion of the blood in the head ;giddiness, heaviness in the abdomen) unfavorably, Scrofoloso lassativo should be given as a remedy to regulate the bowels. The strength of dose for this purpose is 10to 15 or 20 and more globules, dissolved in one spoonful of hot water, sugared water, honied water, milk or apple juice once or twice a day. The chronic tendency to constipation on the other hand succumb more quickly and securely to weak liquid doses of the same remedy 5,10 or 15 globules in a 1/2 pint of water, or sugared water, and must be taken by the patient 3 to 4 times in the course of the day, a sip at a time. Do not forget however, that neither this nor any other symptomatic  aperient, suffices nor can suffice for the lasting cure of constipation, if the latter results from mechanical obstruction in the intestine for instance tumours, knots, haemorrhoids, scars, which often lay the foundations of the so called coprostasis. In such cases it is possible that Scrofoloso lassativo may effect a relief and a passing improvement. 

The basis of the disease must however be removed and combated  against by means of the otherwise undi intestinal remedies, eg. C, 2,S2, C, 10 . This may hold good aa well for those cases in which inexpedient and irregular habits or diet or the cause of the continual constipation, for instance  insufficient exercise, a sedentary occupation, heavy indigeatible food, particularly when combined with insufficient bodily exercise, and so on. 


Gentiana lutea - yellow gentian (1) ratio

Aloe capensis - Scotrina aloe   (2) ratio drop

                     Dr. Mahalakshmi Raghunath


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