Combination L1 (Lymfatico -1)
The second group of combination is that of limfaticos.This group has only 2 combination in its course. This pair of compunds carries further the task, begun and continued by the Angioitico group. L1 is composed of 8 constituents. It rectifies chyle, disinfects the lymph stream and cures the disease of lymphatic glands, lymph nodes and ducts.
Composition Ratio
Botanical Name Common Name Ratio
1.Erythrea Centaury 10 centaurium
2.Echinacea Purple cone flower 10 angustifolia
vesiculosis Blistered seaweed 20
4.Humulus Hop 20 lupulus
5.Menyanthes Buck Bean 20 trifoliata
6.Oxalis Sheep's Sorrel 10 acetosella
7.Pulmonaria Lung-Root 10 officinalis
8.Simaruba Simaruba Bark 10 amara
It is used as an antacid, analgesic and at the same time as an anti inflammatory agent. It has great properties to purify the Blood Stream as it markedly effects the white blood cells and red blood cells.
It is climatically verified therapeuties are gastritis, inflammation of lymph gland and the Mucous membrane of the gastro-intestinal tract.
It cures various types of skin diseases, especially dermatitis and boils. In female disorders, it has great powers to regularise the menstrual flow and do away with dysmenorrhoea. It also has some influence on Tumour.. Arthritis and Prostatitis. It is a big remedy against inflammatory disorders and stagnated condition of waste material in body.
Echinacea: Symptoms of blood poisoning with septic conditions. Acute anti infection. Gonorrhoea boils, Erysipelas and focal ulcers Gangrene. Venom infections tendency to malignancy. Last stage of cancer to cause pain. Puerperal infections, piles, pustule acts on vermiform appendix. Lymphatic inflamation, crushing injuries. Snake bite and poisonous stings. Foul discharges with emaciation and great debility.
Chancre gums recede and bleed easily. Corners of the mouth and lips crack, tongue dry and swollen;sores . Puerperal septicamia, discharges suppressed.
Recurring boils. Carbuncles, lymphatics enlarged. Old tibial ulcers. Tonsils purple or black, grey exudatiry.
A remedy for certain headache, internittent fever. Diabetes and urinary difficulty in women. Great hunger but soon satisfied on eating a little. Abdomen distended and full lcy coldness of hands and feet. Cramplike pain. Pain from nape over whole brain, better stooping. Cracking in jaws and twitching of facial muscles.
Uses of dilutions
1st dilutions : Gastric disorder, Muscular atrophy, Gout.
2nd dilutions: Lumbago, Tumour,
3rd dilutions : Spermatorrhoea, Cephalgia, piles.
Dry pills in flatulence, Piles,Gastritis.
Dr. Mahalakshmi Raghunath
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