Combination F2
Febrifugo -2
F1 (-Acon ) + Scolo
Introduction F2 is anti pyretic ,analgesic ,sedative ,anti flammatory . It has also diuretic and tranquillizing effects. Among the therapeutic uses,it treats all kinds of fevers including typhoid and intermittent fevers.
In small doses it controls fevers and in high doses it brings down and cures fevers
with chill and rigor by stimulating excessive sweat.
Neuritis,hysteria ,epileptic fits ,diphtheria,delirium, insanity and hallucinations are the other conditions that fall within it's sphere of action.
Botanical Name. Common Name. Ratio
1.Aesculus. Horse chestnut. 10
2. Berberis. Barberry. 20
3. Cetraria. Iceland moss. 5
4. Cinchona. Peruvian bark. 10
5. Cinchona. Red Peruvian bark. 10
6. Erythraea. Centaury. 5
7. Salix alba. Silver willow. 20
8. Sambucus. Elder. 5
9. Scolopendrium. Harts tongue. 15
The drug is used externally because it is active on dermal nerve endings. The drug is used as Ointment in dermatitis and also as lotions . Other uses are same as 'F1' which is used internally while 'F2' is used externally .
Action of drug
Acts on respiratory organs . Dry coryza of infants , snuffles ; Oedematous swelling . Profuse sweat accompanies affections followed by suffocative attacks . Turns blue with cough red , bursting spots on cheeks . Heat and prespiration of face , colic with nausea and flatulance , frequent watery slimy stools, perspiration profuse urine with dry heat of skin. Frequent micturition with scanty urine . Acute nephritis, dropsical symptoms with vomitting, chest compressed with pressure in stomach and nausea.
Hoarseness with tenacious mucous in larynx . Paroxysmal suffocative cough coming on about midnight when crying , dyspnoea , spasmodic croup. Dry coryza , loose choking cough. When nursing child must let go of nipple , not blocked up and cannot breathe .
Child wakes suddenly, nearly suffocated ,sits up turning blue.
Swelling in legs , insteps and feet icy cold.
Debilitated night -sweats . Dry heat while sleeping . Dreads uncovering . Profuse sweating on entire body during working hours.
Dr.Mahalakshmi Raghunath
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