Combination C3
Introduction C3 with S3 in a compound combination is active on mucous and serous membranes of the intestines. With the addition of Ruta graveolens it takes bone tissue also within it's perview. It prevents injury and damage to connective tissue . It checks pus formation. Among it's therapeutic uses ,includes uterine ulcers , tubercular and carcinomic ulcers ,stiffness of joints elongation of bones,breast cancer,gastric ulcers ,white swelling of the legs and eczema .
It's commonly used in case of degenerative diseases of skin and secondly it acts upon mucous membrane of the cartilage and effect upon bones . It is Specifically used in case of glandular or cellular structures. Also used in case of degenerative conditions of tissues and used in case of burns and scalds ,destruction of tissues of skin from acids or high degree acidic medicine. It also acts upon intestines, especially used in case of intestinal obstruction, which mainly appear with severe abdominal pain along with constipation. This remedy is used internally as well as externally for acne , pimples , gangrene, decaeying of teeth,carcinomia of skin (Melarronia) or neoplastic growths mainly comes under it's influence .
Botanical Name. Common Name. Ratio
1. Conium. Hemlock. 20
2. Pimpinella. Pimpernal. 1
3. Rhux. Sumach. 60
4. Daphne. Mezereon. 20
5. Vincetoxicum. Swallow wort. 10
Therapeutic properties
Anti cancerous
Anti phlogestic
Connective tissue remedy
Anti catarrahal
Dilution and it's uses
1.1st.dil : joint pain
2.2nd dil: Osteomyelitis and ulcers periorchitis
3.3rd dil: Intestinal mucosa,inflammation , synovitis ,ch.diseases.
Dr.Mahalakshmi Raghunath
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