Combination C1
Canceroso series comprise 8th combination unit of the electroid groups of combinations. It numbers on the general roll from 36 to 52.i.e . 17 compounds at large.
C1 , the first of the Canceroso and 36th of the electroids,is active on the epithelial tissue and the lining membranes of all glands,lymph nodes,absorptive layers,genitalia and skin affections, such as itch ,pus ,boils ,tumours. All internal and external ulcers with or without pus yield to the influence of C1.
Along with angioiticos it makes very effective compound combinations to cure cancer. It is anti inflammatory ,analgesic and anti septic at the same time.
It includes mostly the female affection of the generative system. Amenorrhea, ovarian tumours, uterine disorders, mastitis, habitual abortion , leucorrhoea, hysteria and so on .
Retention of urea, inflammation of the meninges of brain , spinal cord disorders are likewise benefited by this combination, eczema , dermatitis , facial tumors ,wounds on legs and carbuncles.
It helps to break open the tumours and drain the pus. In cases of prolonged labour ,it dilates the cervix of the uterus and helps safe delivery of the child. It is a lactagogue . Constipation and liver troubles are also greatly relieved by it .
Botanical Name. Common Name. Ratio
1. Caulophyllum. Caulophyllium. 20
2. Conium. Hemlock. 10
3. Pimpinella. Pimpernal. 10
4. Rhus. Sumach. 20
5. Vincetoxicum. Swallow wort. 10
Medicinal properties
1. Anti cancerosos
2. Anti scrofolosos
3. Anodyne
4. Antirheumatismal
5. Anti syphititic
6. Hereditary
Ointment: For boils , carbuncles , ulcers .
For treatment of cancer 5-10 globules with meal B.D
For treatment of facilitating delivery : 45 globules at every 10 minutes interval.
Dr.Mahalakshmi Raghunath
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