Combination S12
Combination S 12
(Scrofoloso 12)
S1 (-Nux, tussilago, veronica) +atropa+euphra
S12 respectively called Marina or Mar has great potentials for eye disorder as conjunctivitis, keratitis and injuries and wounds of eyes. Along with iodines S12 makes an eye ointment for external use.
Botanical Name Common Name Ratio
1.Atropa belladonna 10
2.Matri chamomille 10
3.Cochlearia spoon wort 20
4.Euphrasia eye bright 20
5.Hydrastis yellow root 5
6.Nasturtium water cress 20
7.Scrofularia betony 20
8.Smilax sarasaparilla 5
It is a specific remedy for all the opthalmic complaints. This remedy particularly acts upon cornea so it is a useful remedy for the keratitis, corneal opacities, corneal ulcer and sometimes these ulcers changes into corneal abscess. It is also on useful remedy in case of cataract and glauconea. In case of cataract S12 is used remedy in case intervally in lower dilution but in case of glancoma it is used in higher dilution. It is also used in case of conjunctivitis, along with A2, Y. E. or W. E in case of other opthalmic complaints eye drops are mainly prepared in the aqua rosa, along with A2 or A3, C1 or C5, Verm 1 or Ven 1,G.E or W. E. These eye drops are used once or tuice daily. It their ia any weakness in the eye, in this condition add glycerine with the ratio 1:9 or these drops may be prepared in 50./. Glycerine and 50./. rose water. Before the application of eye drops clean the eyes with siniple water.
All types of opthalmic complaints along with optic nerve disturbance
Ointment for diseases of eyelids Eye Drops for opthalmic complaints
Dr. Mahalakshmi Raghunath
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