Combination P5
P2 C5 VI
Pettorale-2 Cancerosos-5 Venerio-1
1. Eucalyp 1. Vincet Althea
.2. Ipec 2. Coni Betu
3. Cepa 3. Pimpi Cannab
4. Adian 4. Rhusto Dulca
5. Polygala 5. Phytolacca Vero
6. Phelland Vinca
7. Teucri Viber
8. Glecho Tilia
9. Galeop Eucalyp
10. Vince Rosa
11. Coni Smilax
12. Pimpi Steffen
13. Rhusto Clematis
14. Equi Thuja
15. Petrosel Myrtis
Popu. Tremu
15+5+16= 36-5=31 Medicinal plants
(Five being common)
Ue in case of pulmonary phthisis which appear as hereditary conditions and useful in other hereditary and respiratory ailments.
Dr. Mahalakshmi Raghunath
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