Combination P4
Introduction This is the fouth of the nine pettorales, 6th combination group and 25th on electriod roll. It has only one isolated constituent which too is drawn from the angiotico group, other comprising parts being taken 9 from F1 and 6 from P1 series. Put together 16 medicinal plants go to form this combination. With a full support from limfaticos this compound makes a masster combination to tackle difficult cases of respiratory disorders. The combination undertake to treat chronic cases of cough, asthma, pertusis, laryngitis and rhinitis.
F1 P1+Arnica
(Febrifugo-1) (Pettorale -1) +Arnica
1.Aescu 1.Adianthum capill veneris 15
2.Eryth 2.Irogoga Ipecacuanha 10
3.Acon 3.Phellandrium aquaticum 20
4.Berb 4.Polygala amara 25
5.CinCho(c) 5.Allium cepa 10
6.Cincho (s) 6.Eucalyptus globulus 10
7.Cetra 7.Arnica 30
9+6+1=16 Medicinal plants
This remedy corresponds to S10 due to action on the vagus nerve. So it is q nervous pectoral remedy and acts upon nervous pulmonale. It is also useful in those conditions which appear as eccessive use of vocal cord, working in smoky atmosphere or factories and diseases of mucous membrane of nose and throat
Therapeutic Sphere
Anti catarrhal
Anti spasmodic
Anti pertusis
Pectoral remedy
Laryngeal phthisis
Chronic pharyngitis
Dilution and it's uses
(A) 1st.dil : as in acute conditions of
R. T. I
(B) 2nd dil: pertusis, laryngitis, asthma
(C) 3rd dil :chronic diseases and asthma, bronchiectasis
1 dry globule/hourly
1 dry globule /6 times a day in chronic rhinitis
Dr. Mahalakshmi Raghunath
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