Combination F1
The drug is active on blood ,sympathetic plexus ,ganglion ,cervical plexus ,C.N.S and spinal nerve roots , in small doses the drug controls fever,and in high doses ,it controls fever with chill and rigors and lowers the temperature by stimulating excessive sweating . It also acts on urinary system and liver,spleen, gall bladder i.e used as glandular remedy and shows much effect on metabolism .Due to its action on C.N.S it also has control over fits,hysteria neural pain ,meningitis,typhoid fever,hypnotism ,magnetism, persentiments ,telepathy, second sight . The drug has following plants.
Botanical Name Common Name Ratio
1.Aconitum Monks book 20
2.Aesculus Horse chest nut 20
3.Berberis vulgaris Barberry 10
4.Cetraria Lceland moss 5
5.Cinchona Peruvian bark red 20
6.Cinchona Peruvian bark red 25
7.Erythreal Centarury 15
8.Salix alba Silver willow 10
9. Sambucus Elder 5
It acts upon brain and nerve . It also regulates the circulation of blood with the stimulation and relaxation of blood vessels . It Specifically acts upon greater sympathetic nerves and solar plexus . In the lower dilution this remedy cure the fevers and in the higher dilutions it cures the fatigue and laziness. It Specifically acts upon the spinal cord and solar plenus and cerebrum so it is used in case of epilepsy , periodical fevers, nervous pain,nervous headache and nausea.
It also controls the functions of skin. In the strong dilution it stimulates the sweat glands and increases the perspiration but in higher dilution it decrease the sensitivity of sweat glands and cure the hyperadosis (increased perspiration ).
It's an organic remedy due to the action upon kidney, gall bladder and biliary duct and also used in case of metabolic disorders, diabetes,shivering ,inflammatory condition ,especially used in case of splenomegaly which mainly appear as a result of encers intake of quinine and this remedy is Specifically used in all types of malaria and other febrile conditions. It also regulates and controls the functions of pituitary gland and in this way it has controls on all the glands and maintains the body functions.
Anti pyretic , Diuretic , Antiphlogestric anti spasmodic ,anodyme,calming ,diaphoretic ,sedative ,tranquilliser
Break -bone fever
Cerebro -spinal fever
Congestive fever
Enteric fever
Gastric fever
Hay fever
Nervous fever
Pernicious fever
Relapsing , remittent fever ,fever
Rheumatic fever
Scarlet fever
Typhoid fever
Yellow fever
Dilutions and it's uses
1.1st.dil fever ,pain
2.2nd.dil diphtheria ,double sight epilepsy fits,hysteria,hallucination,delirium insanity ,redness ,nervous excitement.
3.Higher dil diseases of nervous system liver,spleen.
Combination with other drug
The F1 is used in following diseases in combination with other drugs.
1. Polypus (2nd dil of F1 with C4)
2.Kidney disorder (1nd or 2nd dil with S6)
3. Insomnia (3nd dil with verm2 )
4.Herps (1st dil with S5)
5. Gastritis (2nd dil with S5)
Ointment : Diseases of liver, spleen heart.
Compress : Inflammation , neuralgia,epilepsy. pyrexia.
Bath : Pyrexia,inflammation, allergy
Dr.Mahalakshmi Raghunath
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