Combination A2
A1-(Arn, Cap) +(Aescu, Hama, Millefo)
Second of the blood purifying angioticos, A2 is composed of only 7 medicinal plants that from among the constituent of A1, Arnica and capsella are replaced with Aesculus hip, hama and millefolium, the three being the most closely connected with blood circulation. Thus three out of the 6 constituents of this combination A2 are also drawn from A1 and no fresh entry is made.
Compound A2, spends most of its force on the right side of the heart, making a sharp contrast with A1 which on the contrary acts on the left side of the heart, superior and inferior vena cava come under its powerful impact. Bulging of the veins such as haemorrhoids, carbuncles, boils and pus containing cysts fall within its area of influence.
Botanical Name Common Name Ratio
1.Avena sativa oats 30
2.Aesculus horse chestnut 10
Hippo castanum
3.Hamamelis virginian hamamelis 20
4.Hydrastis yellow root 10
5.Achillea common yarrow 10
6.Sanguinaria Canadian blood 20
Canadensis root
7.Malva silvestris Mallow 10
Great value in open, painful wounds, with weakness from loss of bood. After operations, supercedes the use of morphia. Venous congestion, haemorrhages, varicose veins and haemorrhoids, with bruised soreness of effected parts acts upon the coats of veins, causing relaxation. Passive venous bleeding from any part. Ovarian congestion neuralgia, feels very sore vicarious menstruation. Uterine haemorrhage, bearing down pain in back. Menses dark, profuse with pain in abdomen, metrorrhagia, occurring mid way between menses, intermenstrual pain.
Pain in spermatic cord, running into tesbes, varico cele, haemoptysis profuse bleeding from nose, flow passive, non coagulable.
Haematemesis of black blood, haematasia. Hastens the absorption of intraocular harmorrhage.
Dilution and it's uses
1.1st dil - same as A1
2.2nd dil -paralysis, otitis media
3.3rd dil -hysteria
4.lighter dil-piles
5.high dil -haemorrhage, chronic venous diseases.
Globules =2 glb B. D in piles
Compress:inflammation, cyanosis
Dr. Mahalakshmi Raghunath
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